Washington Landscapes
I moved to Washington State in 1985 to work on a coffee table book on the state for Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company. I found the mix of mountains, agriculture and forests of the east side of the Cascades to be ideal, and stayed. The images here are the result of efforts to produce three books and many calendars along with assignments for Washington State Parks, and Washington Tourism. Most of the images are from scans of film. Low Resolutions files are on display here. I work with clients in providing higher resolution files for further viewing, and can also find files not on this website. An advantage to working directly with a photographer is that we can provide more information and context. Prices for one-time rights start at $200.00 for high resolution files without a watermark.

Red barn in winter. Methow Valley near Winthrop, Washington

Wooden boat festival at Port Townsend. Sailboats with Olympic Mountains in background.

Morning alpenglow on Glacier Peak in the North Cascades of Washington.

Mt. Rainier with fog layer below, from the Goat Rocks Wilderness.

Mt. Adams at sundown from the Goat Rocks Wilderness.

Spirit Falls on the Little White Salmon River in the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.

Lower Okanogan River in fall as seen from a canoe.

Ferry boat and downtown Seattle.

Beargrass in bloom with Mt. Adams in the background.

Spokane House in winter. Mt. Spokane State Park.

Lake Roosevelt on the Columbia River in eastern Washington.

Mt. Rainier from the west in winter.

Mt. Rainier from the south in fall with fog. Mt. Rainier National Park, WA.

Shi Shi Beach, Olympic National Park, WA

A field of ripe wheat with barns in the background. Waterville Plateau of eastern Washington.